Green Rapids Podcast Introduction

June 22, 2023

Nancy Morales (left), and Erica Bouldin (right) in the recording studio at GRTV, recording episode 10 of Green Rapids Podcast.
About the Podcast

Hey all, it’s Nancy, writing on behalf of myself and Erica. We host the Green Rapids Podcast together. Time flies, and I can’t believe we are almost 3 months deep into producing the Green Rapids Podcast. A lot can happen in 3 months and as we push past our growth edges, we want to document this experience and hopefully reach more folks that will want to tune in. 

Green Rapids Podcast was born from a desire to engage with our community, help to reduce the lack of connection between the social issues we face and how they are connected to climate. We also wanted a vast and more fun, tangible way to share the word not just about the climate emergency, but about the actions and solutions available. Erica and I have so many great conversations about our work, things that excite us when we learn about new groups or efforts that are working to combat change, and sharing our frustrations about The Powers That Be that act as a hindrance to positive change. We realized early on that we are on an incredible learning journey and we wanted to bring more folks along that journey with us!

About the Hosts 

Hopefully, you’ve already listened to our first episode, if not listen here & subscribe.

Now that you’ve listened to the Green Rapids Podcast; you should have a good gist of what our values and interests are. But in case you need a reminder: Erica and I are both Climate Justice Organizers employed by The Urban Core Collective in Grand Rapids, MI. 

We were brought onboard in September of 2022 by our team lead, Sergio Cira-Reyes, because we all have a passion for environmental and climate justice. We decided to start this podcast in order to facilitate connections between Grand Rapids residents and local environmental leaders. One of the goals we have as Environmental & Climate Justice organizers is to educate fellow Grand Rapidians on local environmental  issues. We also aim to democratize and create access to information on critical environmental issues in our city, state, and to connect our local action to other national and global activism. We only have one Earth, and we need Climate Justice now.  

Erica and Nancy on Earth day 2023, marching for clean energy.
Nancy Morales

OK! So who am I as a person? I’m a multidisciplinary artist first and foremost. I have dabbled in most art forms such as painting, weaving, woodworking, and sculpting. I’ve developed extensive skills in metalsmithing and jewelry making, ceramics, and printmaking. I have two dogs; an old lumpy potato named Rocko, and a playful pup named Umi. I also have a very opinionated cat named Child. My main job is with The UCC, but side gigs include teaching ceramics, jewelry, printmaking, painting, or gardening! I love doing work that is community-facing and allows me to give back, especially since I grew up surrounded by community love and support. 

Loves/Likes: Mexican food, Salvadorian cuisine, and just food in general if I’m being honest. 

Strongly Dislikes: lawns and palm trees.

Erica Bouldin

If I had to describe Erica… in one word, it would be… MAGICAL! ✨ She is full of love in the truest sense of the word. The passion she brings into everything she does is contagious and energizing. Erica also has cats! A gorgeous gray tabby named Doja, and an oatmeal-caramel-latte colored cat named Pesto. In her free time, Erica enjoys roller skating, making and/or sipping the world’s best iced coffee, dancing, hiking, and is an uncontested THRIFTING QUEEN. She is also blessed with a witty sense of humor, a lovely singing voice, and ukulele skills! 

Up Next on Green Rapids Podcast

Tune in weekly to learn more about what is happening in Grand Rapids, when it comes to Climate Change education and Environmental Justice. This podcast is a dialog with co hosts and occasional guest interviews. Learn about different organizations and ways that you can get involved in Climate Justice.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date on events and volunteer opportunities! And, don't forget to listen, like and subscribe to Green Rapids Podcast.

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